About Us

Lanware Infotec is a privately held company registered and incorporated in Bangalore. Lanware Infotec, is the dedicated business unit serving the region of India. The primary geographical regions of activity of Lanware Infotec include Bangalore, Chennai, Pune, Delhi. Our customers include system integrators as well as OEM manufacturers and Education Institutions.

Working as an expert partner we leverage skills in system architecting, consulting, definition, engineering and manufacturing. We deliver extensive pre- and post-sales support that provides value to our customers. Lanware Infotec act as a regional distributors, authorized systems integrators and solution providers in different regions for leading suppliers in Building and Factory Automation Products, wireless and wired networking, OEM boards and modules, as well as rugged computing products.


We believe in a world where innovative solutions and technologies will increase safety, environmental protection and sustainable development.


To become a leading supplier of solutions for Building and Factory Automation Products, wireless and wired networking, OEM boards and modules, as well as rugged computing products in our selected application segments. We will reach this objective by offering of a wide range of products and solutions that optimally meet our customer’s requirements of performance, scalability, modularity, reliability and services.